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Worries about image copyright are over. All of the images on stockmedia.cc were shot exclusively by us, Unlike many other sites where anyone can upload images which could be of unknown origin we guarantee that these images are licensed as creative commons - we know, we took them!

Instant un-metered download, no zip files, no daily limits, plus useful e-mail updates and stock photo related offers.

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Why do I need to Register?

The Internet is a great timesaver, you can access images instantly, but that saving comes at one cost: if we left our image collection completely open people would come and 'spider' the entire collection to try and download it all, costing is in hosting fees we can't afford. By having users register for the site we can enforce an acceptable use policy by blocking access to users who download unreasonable numbers of images, this way we can maintain service to the majority of normal image users.


Exclusive collection of images only available from this site


Wide range of subjects provides a flexible design toolkit


Standard Creative Commons license makes image use a snap.