Stockmedia is a collection of free creative commons stock images. The images were taken specifically for stock photo use and come from a single known source so we can guarantee their CC license. Many of the images are exclusive to the site and not available anywhere else.
stock image = a photo created to be reused in a design, print or on a website.
The images are provided free of charge under a standard creative commons license which is well known in the stock photo industry as a way for photographers and content creators to easily and fairly license their work free of charge in return for an attribution. For full details of the image use license see our terms.
Following the creative commons license our images can legally be used without any royalty on websites, printed media, interactive programs, mobile applications, even items for sale like cards and calendars. Please check the full terms for details, images are supplied without property release and can be downloaded as high resolution jpeg files.
Exclusive collection of images only available from this site
Wide range of subjects provides a flexible design toolkit
Standard Creative Commons license makes image use a snap.